Friday, February 1, 2008

Yea, I know I never post

Who has time really? There's so much going on in life, this is like the last thing I have time for. Then again, it's one of the one things I really want to do and enjoy doing. I just figured out how to use my Microsoft Word to publish to this blog, so that's kind of handy. Maybe it'll help me get things done.

I have a few random things going on right now.

Weight Watchers. I joined again. This is my 2nd time with WW. The first time was a great success, and then I thought I'd go out on my own. I did pretty well. In the time I was off WW, I got pregnant and after all was said and done only gained about 16 pounds. I joined January 3rd of this year (yea yea…New Year's Resolution), and so far, I've lost 10 of those 16 pounds. I'm on the nursing diet since Jacob is still a boobling, so it hardly feels like I'm on a diet at all. I really recommend this diet to anyone looking to lose a little or a lot. I only do the online version, and the cost is about 17 a month. Pretty reasonable. No meetings – unless you want to attend.

Sickness. Our whole house is sick. I take that back. The 1-year-old is healthy (go figure), but the rest of us are sick with the flu. Evie has a temp of around 101-102 poor dear. I, on the other hand, have a horribly high temperature of 99.4 at the moment. Let me tell you…it feels like I could just die with a fever this high! LOL Typically, I run around 97.2. So when I get to 98.6, I usually feel sick. Of course, no one ever believes me. Anyone else out there like this? Temperature-challenged?

Health insurance. I'm so sick of it. Dilin's boss decided to cancel his health insurance benefits, of which we only had to pay copays and deductibles. Now we're looking at purchasing our own "just in case." We're going to go with a high deductible plan. $150 a month with $6000 deductible and 100% after that. Ugh. What a pain this has been. To go from having a medical expense of maybe 40 a month to around $300 if we needed to see the doctor once (plus the premium for the month), this is really hurting us. His boss is really being a jerk about it. He could afford to at least offer to help us pay our own bill if he didn't want to offer it to the company anymore. (We were the only ones signed up.) For now, he's just been avoiding Dilin. I honestly don't even think we'll need an insurance policy…but there's that risk factor. What if. What if someone was in an accident? What if someone gets a cancer diagnosis or something else? What if there's a seizure disorder. Etc. Etc. This plan doesn't cover maternity (none really do) – except for complications. So that stinks. We were really looking forward to having another child soon. We still will. We just have to make sure we can afford that deductible then. I just filled out the online application, and they asked all sorts of health questions, and now I'm fearful we will be denied. Maybe that doesn't really happen for routine stuff? I've had pregnancy complications (which are covered even though general maternity/childbirth isn't), a panic disorder, and abnormal Paps that are now normal. Dilin had the alcohol issue. That's about it. I was treated for endometriosis and infertility before Evie came along, but that hasn't been an issue since then. What if we're denied? That would be awful. Oh well…best leave it in God's hands where it belongs.

The election. Another MAJOR frustration. One of my friends told me she doesn't like to get involved because her life is busy enough. I prefer to get involved to get my brain focused on something other than house and home. :P Okay..I'm a conservative. One of those evangelical zealots everyone hears about. Right-winger. I was a Fredhead before Fred dropped out. Now I'm supporting Romney. Am I excited about him? Not really…but I'm getting more enthusiastic about him. I voted for him in Michigan's primary. Yes…he's a Mormon. I don't agree with their theology completely (I believe in the trinity and do not think that Joseph Smith was sane). Otherwise, the values and a lot of the beliefs Mormons and Protestants have are similar if not the same. So while I don't endorse his religion, I think his values would make him a great President. The other candidates are all crap. Sorry anyone who thinks otherwise, but it's true.

  • Mike Huckabee is good-intentioned, but his policies of raising taxes to "raise hope," allowing illegals to live in his state because he wanted to be compassionate, and the fact that he commuted a ton of sentences because of his compassion doesn't sit well with me. He is a social conservative, but not a fiscal conservative. Too much compassion makes you a door mat…just ask me. :P
  • Ron Paul has some good ideas. I like his economic policy (Huckabee's for that matter too), but I don't think he could get it done. I do not support his foreign policy of removing troops from the entire world. That would cause a lot of bad things to happen. In theory, fine…but in practice, not so much.
  • John McCain. Where to start. He is not a conservative. He is running as one, and he is telling voters that he believes in conservative principles, but he has voted otherwise consistently. He is pro-life, but when it has been convenient for him, he has said things like he does not support repealing Roe V. Wade. Overall, I believe he is pro-life…so that's one good thing he's got going for him. He supports the war in Iraq, and that's another great thing. That's about it though…and Romney believes those 2 things and much more. Let's look deeper:
    • Illegal immigration – he co-sponsored the amnesty bill last year with Ted Kennedy. Remember that thing that everyone was pissed about because it was going to grant amnesty to all of the ii's that are here? That was due to Mr. John McCain himself.
    • Tax-cuts. He voted against the Bush tax cuts twice. He now says that was because there was no reduction in spending and he just couldn't support that. But now he is in favor of the tax cuts – despite there not being a reduction in spending (out of convenience of course). Why are tax cuts good even when the economy is tanking? Taxes 101: Giving tax cuts to middle and even (gasp) high-income individuals and businesses stimulates growth. More money in the hands of small business owners = the ability to buy more for their companies, give employers more, grow the business, and thereby feed more into the economy. Taxing the pants off of them does the opposite.
    • Global warming. Whether you believe in it or not and whether or not you belive it is manmade (I do not), hopefully you've heard that the various bills and treaties that have been created to treat it do not do one bit of good. It might knock warming down by a miniscule number only to be driven back up by other countries. However, John McCain co-sponsored the McCain-Lieberman bill for global warming…championing all sorts of global warming reform and making it harder for companies to do business.
    • Mexamericanada – anyone that listens to Glenn Beck knows about this, and McCain's Hispanic outreach coordinator believes that there should be no America, Mexico, and Canada but instead one big "region." Uh huh. Need I say more?

    So…that's what's on my chest about that. If you're a conservative in state voting on Super Tuesday, please support Romney. Please, please, please. If McCain is the nominee, I for once, despite my strong political beliefs, will not be voting for him. I'll abstain from voting. I can't let the Republican party go further off track.

Okay…time to move on to the next thing on my to-do list. See…I never have time for everything I'm supposed to do. Sigh. Oh well.


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