Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Have you seen the video of the idiots (although these people give idiots a bad name) that gave the two-year-old girl a hit of ecstasy? If not, I can't tell you to watch it, because if you watch it, it'll make you ill, especially if you have children and especially if you have a little girl. But I'll give the link just so you can be outraged like me.

This poor dear sweet girl! She is so beautiful and is just being so mistreated. She's about 2 years old. She looks like she's naked, and she's sitting on the floor of a moving car in front of someone. They turn the camera on her, and she is obviously having seizures...eyes rolling back in her head over and over (which apparently is common for being high on X). The person sitting with her is smacking her in the head, rubbing her cheeks, and pulling on her eyes to try to get her to stop, and the other girls in the car are laughing that she's so high.

I got sick when I watched it. I'll probably have bad dreams tonight over it. Here's a link to a current news story about it. "Investigators were told in interviews that the toddler had merely been asked to roll her eyes back into her head while they videotaped her, Martin said." I doubt it...that would be really hard for a child that young to do without any sort of a response. "An announcer on the car radio is heard giving the call letters KHCB FM, which is a Christian station in Houston. An instrumental version of Jesus Loves Me is playing in the background." Nice. :*(

Have you ever noticed that when you have kids any news story ends up playing in your brain as if your child's face is in the news story? I just can't imagine doing that to a child. It is revolting.

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