Tuesday, June 26, 2007


  • Evie and I suffer from allergies, and whenever I have an allergy attack, she'll ask me in all seriousness, "Are you having a heart attack?" Today she sneezed and said, "I guess I'm having a heart attack too!"
  • With Evie, there are 3 sizes: Small, Meatier, and Large.
  • When Evie forgets her little brother's name (because her brain is running a mile a minute), she refers to him lovingly as "this little guy here."
  • As mentioned in a previous post, at her swim class, another little girl asked her mother why some of the older women were wearing their shoes into the water. The mother explained that they were swim shoes, and Evie said, "That's the way, uh huh, uh huh, they like it." The mom just nodded her head and said "Yep, that's the way they like it."

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