I have some catching up on the cute stuff that Evie has said!
- When getting ready to go camping with her father, Evie said in a sing-song voice, "Mom, daddy and me are gonna say "wankersville." This, of course, because "wankersville" is a silly word her dad taught her that mommy (and eventually daddy) deemed inappropriate and therefore a "potty word." In other words, she and her daddy are going to be using potty language because I won't be there to stop them.
- When our dog, Ollie, hears the neighbors' dogs barking, he gets very excited and whines to go out. One day when I was letting Ollie out for some fun with the other doggies, Evie said, "Ollie loves to play with those next-dog neighbors!"
- At a bridal shower for my cousin, we were to go around the room and say something that the bride-to-be would need in the upcoming weeks before the wedding. This was sort-of in prayer format. Some people said patience, money, togetherness, etc. It came to be Evie's turn, and she proudly closed her eyes and folded her hands and said, "I hope that she gets a pretty unicorn that flies." I hope she does too. ;)
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